A multi-ethnic team enjoying lunch and smiling to show harmony

Transform Conflict into Collaboration: The Benefits of Cognitive Diversity

Friction, conflict, discord—call it what you like, it’s present in most cognitively diverse teams even when not invited. It shows up unannounced at meetings and lingers like a bad smell. While it can provide differing and innovative views, it can also hinder collaboration.

By understanding and managing these dynamics, we can turn potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and innovation, helping our teams thrive rather than remain demotivated. Let’s look at how to transform this conflict into collaboration

Unlock a wealth of creativity by transforming conflict into collaboration

Cognitive diversity refers to the inclusion of people who have different ways of thinking, distinct problem-solving approaches, and varied perspectives. When we bring together individuals with diverse cognitive styles, we unlock a wealth of creativity and innovation that can drive our teams and organizations to new heights, such as:

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving
  • Increased Innovation
  • Improved Decision-Making
  • Broader Skill Set

Let’s explore how a cognitively diverse team can turn conflict into collaboration

Case Study: Elena and Kwame

Meet Elena, a strategic thinker who excels at looking at the big picture and future implications. She is known for her indirect communication style, which she believes fosters harmony and avoids confrontation. In the same team, we have Kwame, an analytical thinker who is direct in his communication. Kwame is data-driven and prefers clear, concise conversations to address issues head-on.

The Clash

Team Culture Clash creates friction rather than collaboration

Recently, during a project meeting, Elena suggested a long-term strategy to expand the company’s market presence. She presented her ideas subtly, hinting at potential benefits without going into too much detail. Kwame, on the other hand, sought immediate clarity. He interrupted with direct questions, asking for specific data and concrete steps to validate Elena’s vision.

This led to a tense exchange. Elena, who does not appreciate conflict, visibly lost her confidence and excused herself from the meeting to avoid further discord and discomfort for the other team members.

Elena was furious with herself for allowing the situation to unfold as it did, and she was equally frustrated with Kwame for putting her in that position. What could have been a true strength for the team instead created unnecessary tension.

What could they have done differently to turn their conflict into collaboration?

To avoid reaching this moment, consider these three steps:

1. Team Culture Discussion: At the beginning of any new project or when a new team forms, hold a team culture discussion where each member shares their values and communication styles.

2. Understanding Similarities and Differences: Examine the similarities and differences between team members and discuss how their communication impacts their thinking, meeting techniques, conflict resolution, and decision-making processes.

3. Defining Team Culture: Collaboratively discuss what you want your team culture to look, feel, and sound like. Ask, “How can we make the most out of our differences?”

What does it look like in a meeting?

Effective Communication:  Encourage Elena to be more explicit in presenting her ideas and ask Kwame to consider the strategic context before diving into details. This helps both appreciate the other’s perspective and adapt their communication techniques.

– Embrace Different Thinking Styles: Value Elena’s strategic thinking for long-term planning and Kwame’s analytical skills for immediate problem-solving. Combine these strengths by having Elena outline the vision and goals, while Kwame provides the data and steps needed to achieve them. This complementary approach leads to a more comprehensive project plan.

– Facilitate Inclusive Meetings: Restructure meetings to allow each member to share their views without interruption. Techniques like round-robin sharing ensure that both Elena’s strategic insights and Kwame’s analytical assessments are heard and integrated.

By addressing and leveraging their cognitive and cultural diversity, the team turned potential conflict into a powerful collaborative advantage. They enriched their team dynamics and enhanced their ability to innovate and succeed and finally soar.

#CognitiveDiversity #TeamCollaboration #Innovation #InclusiveWorkplace #Leadership #DiversityAndInclusion

Culturelink - HIgh performing diverse teams

Psychological safety is not just a new fashionable term for “feeling good” at work

Psychological safety is not just a new fashionable term for “feeling good” at work. Creating psychological safety in your team is really the bottom line for any leader or team member wishing to create a high performing team.

Along with motivational drive and cognitive diversity, it is one of the 3 invisible forces that help a team strive. It creates bonding, enjoyment and accomplishment.

For pyschological saftey to flourish, team members need to feel that they are learning from one another

Psychological safety flourishes when individuals learn from one another.

For psychological safety to flourish, team members need to feel that they are learning from one another and can ask for help from each other. If individuals have a crazy idea that they wish to splurt out, they need to feel that they will not be laughed at. In addition, it is the knowledge and gut feeling that they can speak up and be the best version of themselves because they feel valued.

You can feel when a team has psychological safety. You walk into a meeting room and there is murmuring, laughter and ideas bouncing off the walls.

How do we create psychological safety in teams where each individual has a different mindset and different perspective of the world?  

We need to learn what the cultural values of our individual team members are and learn how to motivate them accordingly.  It’s about understanding who needs more support, who prefers to work independently, who is comfortable speaking up, who is afraid they might make you angry when they speak up, who loves and needs the limelight and show shies away from it.

Ensure psychological safety at every step of team formation

Step 1 – Forming

When the team is at its initial stages, start your meetings discussing individual values, not team objectives. Each team member should have a chance to describe their preferred communication techniques and values before judgments are formed. Judgements will be formed quickly, they are hard to avoid. Once they are formed they are hard to break. Therefore, ideally use this technique early on.

Step 2 – Storming

When the team is storming, let the storm play out. You will feel that something has changed in the team. They might be a bit quieter. Their foreheads may look sterner. They might even start sounding aggressive with one another. Storming is a natural part of team formation. During this phase individuals learn what their role is and what the individual strengths are of others.

If the storm continues, go back to step 1. Figure out which values are not given the space to flourish. This is a sign that individuals cannot really be themselves.

Step 3- Norming

During the norming phase psychological safety begins to take form. Individuals learn to appreciate the differences and strengths of the others. They will start to offer help to one another and exchange ideas. This might just be tentative initially, however eventually it will become the norm.

Step 4 – Performing

This is where the magic happens. During the performing phase, psychological safety is at its height. Individuals walk into the office smiling, singing, and ready for a day of bouncing ideas off each other. They acknowledge the occasional unsuccessful plan or an idea that truly is impossible to accomplish. However, psychological safety is also the sweet satisfaction of projects and ideas that play out and prosper exactly as foreseen and discussed.

Individuals respect one another for their strengths and for their diversity comprehending that it is real cognitive diversity that makes a team prosper.

Change blame to accountability in culture diverse teams by creating psychological safety

How to change blame to accountability on your team

A few years ago I was working on a team with four other women. I thought we all got along beautifully; we laughed and joked constantly and seemed to have a thriving team culture.

However, often when something didn’t go well, my teammates tended to blame others rather than accept accountability for not achieving set tasks. At times they also blamed me. “Sorry,” they’d say, “we couldn’t finish this document on time because John from Finance didn’t send us the information.” Or, “This presentation isn’t ready because you haven’t yet given us approval for the photos we would like to use.”

Blame is a common factor when psychological safety is missing

Blame rather than accountability, is a common factor when psychological safety is missing from the team. Psychological safety is one the most important factors in creating thriving teams. In her book, the “Fearless Organization”, Amy Edmondson, explains that when there is psychological safety, there is a shared belief that the work environment is safe for interpersonal risk, including accepting accountability.

We fear laughter and ridicule, therefore we blame others for our unaccomplished tasks.

Trust and respect generate psychological safety

For a team to feel that there is psychological safety, individuals need to trust and respect one another. Trust and respect allow for productive disagreements or giving feedback without feeling ashamed or disrespected.

In culture-diverse teams, building this level of trust and respect can be challenging. We see the world according to our different cultural influences. These cultural factors could be related to our gender, where we were brought up, our education or our profession. This in turn influences what we feel is the correct way to build trust with our colleagues. The same goes for how we feel about disagreeing with colleagues, how much information we wish to share with others, give feedback and even what motivates us to spend a few extra hours in the office or not.

We build trust through understanding the underlying values of our colleagues

To create psychological safety in a culture-diverse team, we need to be able to see and understand the perspective of our teammates. Do they believe in maintaining a very harmonious environment without any conflict? Do they therefore need time to get to know a person well before giving feedback? Or on the contrary, are they comfortable in a meeting saying exactly what is on their mind, irrespective of how long they’ve known the other person?

Even if we finally do not agree with their perspective we need to at least try to comprehend it. By demonstrating to our colleagues that we are open to seeing the world through their eyes, we start to create a level of trust and respect that is the first step to creating a psychologically safe environment.

How to change blame to accountability

Once we have trust and respect on the team, our colleagues will be more inclined to open up and be accountable for their tasks.

Does your team have psychological safety?

If you’re wondering whether there is pychological safety on your team, ask yourself these two simple questions:

  1. If you make a mistake on this team, is it held against you?
  2. Is it difficult to ask other members on the team for help?

If you answered yes to both questions, you’re probably on a team where individuals feel trusted and respected. If you answered no, think about why not.

Cultural intelligence creates a powerful and inclusive team culture

Realign your global remote teams to create a powerful team culture

Are you ready for the next step? The start of a new year brings new-found energy with it. Now is an ideal moment to realign remote global teams to create a powerful and inclusive team culture. Bring your team communication to the next level in 2021  by building on what the team recently experienced. Although studies show that working from home can be beneficial for both the employee and the company, there are several challenges. "The main challenges that arise are communication, knowledge sharing, socialisation, performance evaluation and security."

Let's not get intimidated by the word "Culture". In our case, it means, "the way things are done around here". It is a set of accepted ways of behaving, communicating and getting things done that everybody on the team is comfortable with. When the team creates its own culture, each individual feels valued, included, engaged and is therefore more productive.

A strong team culture generates motivation, team-spirit, good communication and knowledge sharing. This in turn builds trust and helps the team deliver its goals. A thriving team culture is one that allows each team member to speak up and give their point of view on what their preferred communication style is.

The powerful team culture communication meeting

Bring the team together (officially) to discuss their team culture.  Individuals have had the festive season to ponder over and informally discuss what they enjoyed and what they didn't enjoy about working from home. Use this as a catalyst.

Let's start with communication. An easy way to start the discussion right now it to ask about how productive or not the last six to eight months have been for each individual. Firstly, ask them to consider at what stage, and using which medium, they felt the communication flowed best? When you have good communication flow, creative ideas spill out.

Were they most productive over the phone, during a team zoom session, in one-on-ones, when the kids were in bed, or over a virtual coffee chat? Which communication means make them apprehensive and therefore less productive? Was it long-winded emails or short-handed WhatsApp messages? Individuals will talk plainly about what is best for them, as a result, you leverage on each individual's ideal situation. If you know that "John" is most creative spurting out quick WhatsApps then use it to help him shine and also share the best ideas.

remote team coffee break

remote team coffee breakSocialisation and trust create a strong team culture

When we socialise with our teammates, we learn more about them as people and not just as business colleagues.  This creates trust, which in turn helps us and them to open up and share our ideas more freely.  Socialisation is one of the areas that remote teams suffer the most in general and especially during lockdown moments. Socialising does not come naturally when individuals are sitting in front of their laptop feeling cut off from the world. Socialisation has to be consciously worked at on remote teams.

You could consider spending a few minutes at the beginning of team meetings running an ice breaker. Think about creating informal situations for colleagues to chat and meet even if it needs to be virtual. Virtual "aperos" work wonders. Socialisation and therefore trust create team spirit and allow each individual to feel valued.

Knowledge sharing and the dreaded 9pm conference call

If your multicultural team members sit in offices around the globe, it's vital to bring up the topic of time zones. Joining two-hour conference calls, three times a week at 9pm, after a long day of work is not sustainable and it is not very motivational.  On top of that, if  the participants are passive listeners rather than colleagues who need to actively speak, it becomes even worse.

the dreaded 9pm conference call

the dreaded 9pm conference call

Therefore an important topic to discuss is always related to what time of the day these calls should be made. Ask the team at what time of the day they feel they are most productive. If the weekly facilitator is comfortable skipping dinner with the kids for a meeting, that doesn't mean everybody is. Too often, the accepted time zone for such meetings is where headquarters are based. For a motivation boost, consider rotating the meeting facilitator each week. This can be particularly engaging for the facilitator, and what's more, it allows individuals who are not very forthcoming to show a different side of themselves.

A team is made up of individuals 

It's vital in such a "team culture creation session", to ensure everybody gets a chance to speak up. If you have a culturally diverse team, with members who perhaps come from hierarchical or collectivist cultures, you may have colleagues who are unwilling to speak up in such a public gathering. There are a number of ways to help them speak up. Tell them in advance what will be expected of them in such a meeting.  Let them know that they will be expected to participate vocally. That will give them a chance to prepare something and not feel put on the spot when it occurs. Rotating the facilitator gives every team member a chance to speak up. As a result,  it will also give the team a very different perspective each time on what is considered important and who prioritises what.

Keep the powerful team culture alive -  write a team charter

Whatever the team decides as the best way to proceed, write it somewhere so you can look back at it occasionally. Choose four or five topics that are the most consequential during the discussion. These should be topics in which the team finds consensus.  Use these topics to write the team charter. Most importantly, keep the discussion alive as time passes and as pressure increases. It's easy to stick to "good intentions" when we are not under pressure. However, when tension increases, we tend to fall back on what is the "normal" way of behaving for us. What is normal for one individual, may not be what was discussed as the best way for the team to move forward.

Remember, if culture is, "the way things are done around here," then it needs to be accepted by the whole team to allow each individual to feel included, valued and engaged.


Thriving Team Culture

“Team Culture – Europe Is Getting Back Into Motion – Now Is The Time To Realign and Create a thriving Team Culture.”

Europe is slowly opening up after the COVID-19 lockdown. After weeks of isolation people are finally allowed to go out for a walk, factories are re-starting their production machines and office employees will soon be starting back. Now is the time create a thriving team culture. 

Each team member has had their own difficult situations to overcome; some have had to share home office with kids who have been doing home-schooling, others who usually love being active are feeling claustrophobic at not being able to exert themselves in the gym or on a long outdoor bike ride. Maybe over the last few weeks work has not always been foremost on their minds.  Now is the ideal time to “re-align” and create or revise your team culture. Many of us have been obliged recently to contemplate what matters to us most. What are our values, whether at home or at work.

What is Culture?

Culture is often overlooked by leaders because it can seem too abstract. Actually, it’s quite concrete once we sit down and discuss it with our team. A thriving team culture creates cohesion, pride, team spirit, accountability, open communication, inclusion, productivity and therefore a high-performing team. Creating a team culture is the way to bring that cohesion and team spirit back to the forefront if it is has slipped a bit during lockdown.

What are we referring to when we say culture? Culture is a set of norms accepted and encouraged by the group; acceptable ways of behaving, communicating and getting things done, for example:

  1. Giving Feedback: What is the acceptable way that our group gives feedback to one another?
  2. Risk-taking: Do we plan and wait until we are more “certain” or jump and “fail fast”.
  3. Disagreeing: Is it acceptable to disagree openly with another teammate in a group meeting and encourage constructive conflict or is that rather frowned upon?
  4. Decision-making: What is a productive way for us as a team to make decisions?
  5. Problem-solving: How do we problem-solve when we have little time on our hands, etc.

The team creates it own culture

There are different methods of creating your thriving team culture. What is essential is that it be created by the team, not a few individuals or leaders. Below is a 4-step activity you can start with, there are obviously other methods. This exercise can be done face-to-face or virtually. If you plan to do it virtually then consider planning 4 short sessions rather than one long session.

If you do the below 4-step activity you need to invest time in the discussion part of the activity (step 2). Give every team member the opportunity to express themselves and allow for possible introverts to have their say about how they also envision the team functioning well.

The important message here is that it is the team that creates the culture it believes in. You’ll need to discuss common values and therefore have every member speak up. This could be difficult on a virtual culturally diverse team, so prepare well for that moderation hurdle.

Step 1 to a thriving team culture: Plot a Culture Map

Each team member plots themselves on a Culture Map along 4 scales related to behaviour or communication. Each scale shows  each team member’s preference (see sample culture map below). The four scales can be varied, but those that create strong discussions often are:

  1. Building trust and managing conflict
  2. Problem Solving techniques
  3. Decision making – do you feel the need to be involved or not
  4. Dealing with uncertainty / risk-taking,

Similarities and differences between team members are more obvious once everyone is plotted on the map. Remember, differences can be complementary and can enhance creativity and problem solving solutions, therefore don’t play them down.

Team Culture Map

Step two: Discussion

This is the most essential part of the exercise. Do not skip it. This is the time for discussion. Let’s zoom in on scale 1 above and use it as an example.

Team Communication Preferences

Ask each person to discuss their preferences according to what they plotted. In the above example, which looks at communication and how we give feedback or disagree, Elena might come across to Emmanuel as being domineering or aggressive. She may not realise it. You could probably discuss here what the benefits are of having somebody always play devil’s advocate and on the other hand discuss how important it might be with clients to have colleagues who steer away from conflict, such as Emmanuel.

Expect Disagreements

Consider how team behaviour might differ according to what Elena’s role is. If she is the leader of the team it might come across differently compared to if she is not. You might discuss what conflict actually means to the individuals. For some it could mean saying, “I think your plan is really inefficient and our client will hate it.” This could come across as quite aggressive for some Asian cultures. For others, conflict could be as simple as a gentle disagreement. Another topic to discuss here is when (if ever) do the individuals feel comfortable disagreeing; do they need a relationship of trust before being able to disagree?

Discussing preferences creates inclusion

This discussion is the heart of the workshop and to creating a thriving team culture. Each person openly speaks about what their preference is.   Discuss each scale and only then move onto step 3. If you do this as a virtual workshop you may prefer to do one complete scale from step 1 to step 4 during each virtual session.

Step three: Write a Strategy for a thriving team culture

Discuss a strategy to be more efficient (if necessary) thereby creating your ideal team culture. For the above scale, your discussion might start with:

  1. How can we come up with good ideas and exchanges in the future and get everyone involved, including those who don’t like conflict?
  2. Let’s create more open/transparent discussions within the team?
  3. Ensure everyone on the team is listened to, both the risk-takers and the risk-averse even though some of them have stated they don’t like to enter conflict?
  4. Can this knowledge help us run more productive meetings?

Step four: Team Charter

Write your Team Charter. The team follows the “behaviour and norms” of the charter. It is important to write them somewhere the whole team has access to and each member can occasionally go back to them and review them.

The Team Charter should be “Our Culture”: Not yours, not mine, but ours. It is a culture in which each team member thinks: “I feel comfortable working here because my values are appreciated. I feel I can be myself and therefore it brings out the best of me.”